Shrink Wrapping

Maximum efficiency – shrink-wrap machines for use with shrink film for secondary packaging.

Atlanta’s range of shrink-wrap machine are single roll and designed to work seamlessly and continuously within your production.

This process allows for higher speeds without disruption to the product during the wrapping sequence. The models are available for production with film only, pad and film, tray and film and tray only, giving customisable options to tailor your machine.

Twin and triple track options for multipacks are also possible as well as double tier. Packs handled include cans, glass and PET bottles, Tetra Briks and multipacks.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Shrink Wrapping

What is the purpose of shrink wrap?

Protect merchandise from damage.

Shrink wrap is also highly effective in guarding against environmental damage. It protects against dirt and humidity; your merchandise will be safe from the elements. Shrink wrap can also prolong the life of products that would otherwise spoil quickly such as perishable foods.

How long does shrink wrap last?

Shrink wrap will protect an object stored outside for up to 2 years. It will also enhance the shelf life of some products.

What is shrink-wrapped usually used for packaging?

Shrink wrap is commonly used as an overwrap on many types of packaging, including cartons, boxes, beverage cans and pallet loads.

Shrink wrap is applied over or around the intended item by a shrink-wrapping machine. It is then heated by sending it through a shrink tunnel for shrinking.

Is shrink wrap sustainable?

Plastic shrink films are recyclable. This is due to their much lower carbon footprint than many forms of rigid packaging. When it comes to flexible packaging supplies, plastic films are some of the most environmentally friendly packaging materials currently available.

Biodegradable v Plastic shrink film pros and cons

Atlanta has learned a lot about shrink films. We have found that sometimes, traditional plastics are actually the better choice. And, sometimes, biofilms make more sense only for certain specific applications.

Biodegradable films 

  • Usually are more expensive than plastic film
  • Have yet to be tested on many applications
  • Requires access to an industrial composting process for recycling

Traditional plastic shrink films

  •  Generally easy to source
  •  Are recyclable
  •  Clear film enhances the appearance of the product when on display

Shrink Wrapping

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